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Enrollment Process

Our Process 


Sunshine typically has openings twice a year due to student graduations in June and September. The first step to enrollment is getting in touch. While everyone is welcome to apply, we can let you know, depending on your child's age, etc. if the timing to apply is right and we can send you an application or answer your questions first.

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School tours are primarily offered only during the fall and winter. We see a very high demand for both tours and enrollment and this approach allows our small adminstrative staff to allot specific time for potential families and focus on our current families and organizational needs during the rest of the year. 

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The official admissions process at Sunshine typically begins in February and generally continues through March, as we are determining the graduation plans of older students and estimating the number of upcoming school year openings. If we may have an opening in a program that fits with a students' application, we will contact eligable families and arrange for a Child Visit (and tour if that hasn't yet been scheduled.) Once we have confirmed openings and are ready to make official enrollment offers, we will contact families with detailed information on securing their spot. 


Sunshine does NOT have a numbered “wait list” as admission to one of our programs depends on a variety of criteria including: desired schedule, age, gender, and spot availability. These criteria are important in keeping a balanced Montessori learning environment (For example if Sunshine had 12 new openings; instead of enrolling twelve three-year old girls for the morning preschool program we would enroll a variety of girls and boys, morning, school-day and extended day students, of various ages to balance out the classroom openings created that year.) 

Applicants who have been invited for a Child Visit will be notified of enrollment status. If you have not been contacted for a Child Visit you should assume that your child remains in the Wait Pool and we do not yet have an opening that meets your needs. Although demand exceeds our annual openings and we cannot guarantee program admission we do review applications with every opening and place as many students as we are able.


Montessori Curriculum is designed as a 3-year cycle which includes the 5th year of age. This year may be some children’s “Kindergarten year” while other fall birthday students will complete the 3rd year prior to “Kindergarten.” Children’s House enrollment priority is given to children that are planning to enroll for the full 3-year cycle and/or Montessori transfer students. Priority enrollment is also given to siblings of current students. Families admitted to Sunshine Montessori are expected to uphold the school’s mission and work together with the community to support their child’s Montessori education.

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